
When it comes to trading and investment, there are many different themes and strategies that investors can consider.

Sustainable Investing

At Swiss Value, we are committed to promoting financial well-being and sustainability for all stakeholders.

We integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into our investment decisions to improve risk-adjusted returns.

Our approach involves making research and insights available to all portfolio managers and identifying potential process enhancements across all investment activities.

Through effective disclosure and greater transparency, we aim to drive positive change in how companies are managed for the benefit of all. Learn more about our journey towards purposeful prosperity.

Alternative Investing

Given today’s uncertain economic climate, investors understand that it is incumbent upon them to understand the factors that drive portfolio returns in order to strike the right balance between index and alpha strategies in order to build resilient portfolios.

At Swiss Value, we understand that alternative investments play a crucial role as a core strategic building block, offering diversification and long-term risk-adjusted returns to help creates well-balanced portfolio. These assets, which fall outside the traditional categories of stocks, bonds or cash, can provide a counterweight to portfolio diversification and help hedge against inflation.

Given the burgeoning importance of alternative investments, we are constantly developing and innovating our platform to better serve our clients.

Real Estate Value

At Swiss Value, we offer investors the chance to participate in our investment strategy and tap into the value creation potential of our portfolio companies through the SWISS Pool Fund.

One of our most attractive pools is VERITAS VALOREM (VM), which boasts a substantial market footprint of internationally-quoted real estate companies, providing a tangible and valuable asset base for the pool.

Our positive balance sheet and audited financial statements, in line with IFRS standards by reputable auditors, offer investors peace of mind. Plus, with our listing on major markets such as OTC, DAX, and LSE, investors can enjoy high liquidity and easy access to the pool.

Fintech Value

We're excited to offer investors the chance to participate in our investment strategy through the SWISS Pool Fund, including our flagship pool, INSTANT VALOREM.

INSTANT VALOREM invests in an internationally-quoted company operating in the Fintech industry, offering brokerage and money transmitting services, and holding licenses as a financial institution.

Our positive balance sheet, audited according to IFRS standards by top 10 auditors, and listing on major markets such as OTC, LSE, and EURONEXT, provide investors with a high level of liquidity and confidence.

INSTANT VALOREM presents a compelling opportunity for investors to invest in a pool backed by a company with licenses as a financial institution and operating in the Fintech industry.