At Swiss Value it is our intention to create and disburse news about our companies to ensure they receive maximum exposure. We will always look to support and promote worthy causes. We would also like to share your stories with your fellow members


At Swiss Value we use proven professionals to get the message out, about our own story and those of the companies we are stakeholders in.

Many of the companies we invest in have their own media relations experts. Our dedicated team will enhance their work and increase the breadth and depth of coverage they receive.

Our special ‘events team’ have a wealth of experience in staging major ‘happenings’. They will be utilised for product launches and major announcements by all of the companies we have a stake in.


At Swiss Value we are acutely aware of the need to help the many people in the world who are struggling in one way or another.

To ensure that we exceed Corporate Social Responsibility requirements we will partner with a number of charities, both global and local, and do what we can to assist them in helping others.

Your Stories

At Swiss Value, we appreciate the value of experience, and of sharing knowledge. To this end, we would like to invite you to tell us, and your co-members, your story. The stories can be small or large and can be business-related or personal. They can be success or failure stories as we firmly believe that people can learn as much from both. So please, share your story, take part in our community!